Why Palins Down and Clintons Up
Time cools passions and adds perspective.This seems especially true for the tumultuous Republican love affair with Sarah Palin . It was intense, it was irrationaland its over. Dick Cheney is just the latest conservative icon to join the chorus of voices who recognize that the selection of Sarah Palin for vice president was a major-league mistake. The man who first brought Palin to John McCain , Steve Schmidt, famously came to that conclusion before the 2008 campaign even ended.Now Team Romney doesnt even want her to be seen at the same podium in Tampa . And in perhaps the unkindest cut, Mindy Meyer, the Legally Blonde -inspired 22-year-old conservative New York State Senate candidate known in the tabloids as the Magenta Yenta, dismissed Palin by saying , She's just so oblivious to the issues. READ MORE VP Picks Not Releasing Returns Theres a reason for this broad-based cooling of affections.In the past four years, something like an organic consensus has emerged.Doubts that began...