Fox News Is "Parting Ways" With Sarah Palin
Fox News is parting ways with one of its most polarizing contributors - former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin . Executive Vice President Bill Shine told The Associated Press that the network "thoroughly enjoyed our association" with Palin, who came aboard in January 2010. "We wish her the best in her future endeavors," Shine added. Another source confirmed that the split was amicable, the AP reports. The Rise of Redneck TV Palin, who reportedly earned $1 million a year as a contributor, made her final appearance on Greta Van Susteren 's show in December, according to the AP. In recent months, her influence at the network appeared to be waning. In August, Palin was reportedly irked that Fox News nixed her appearance one night at the Republican National Convention , and in November, the network turned to her minimally for commentary on the presidential election. Fox News recently hired former Democratic presidential candidate Dennis ...