Tina Fey revives Sarah Palin impression with James Lipton on 'Inside the Actor's Studio' (Video)

Tina Feys most famous impression is arguably that of former Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.

Throughout the 2008 campaign, Fey made audiences crack up with her striking resemblance and uncanny ability to portray the former Alaskan governor.

So when Fey appeared on Inside the Actors Studio, she was asked to revisit the impression by answering some questions in character.

When James Lipton asked about gun control, she answered If everybody had guns, there would be fewer guns in the stores, EW reports.

He asked about same-sex marriage and Fey said in her best Palin voice, well, the Bible says its gross. And I don't judge it - a lot of the amazing wonderful people I met in the audience at Dancing with the Stars seem to go that way."

She added, "Marriage is meant for people who wear different kinds of swimsuits."

Mashable reports that the first time Fey did her Palin impression was in 2008 opposite Amy Poehler, who played Hillary Clinton on SNL.
