Sarah Palin gets blowback for Orrin Hatch endorsement

Sarah Palin gets blowback, Wisconsin Democrats get $1 million, Mitt Romney gets heckled and Newt Gingrich gets a comeback.

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* Many of former Alaska governor Sarah Palins fans are upset over her endorsement of Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) over his conservative primary challenger, former state Sen. Dan Liljenquist. Her Facebook page is full of recriminations; blogger Michelle Malkin called the endorsement inexplicable.

* Romney was heckled today on a visit to a Philadelphia charter school, where he was promoting his education agenda. The candidate was met by residents with chants of Get out, Romney, get out! from area residents.

* Jon Huntsman has won something the former Utah governor and unsuccessful presidential candidate is on the American Association of Retired Persons Magazines list of the 21 sexiest men over 50. His advice on aging well: Your inner strength is as important as your outer strengt! h.


* If you turned up your nose at a recent contest to win a dinner with President Obama and George Clooney, maybe youll be more interested in an upcoming meal with former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Donald Trump. Former House speaker Newt Gingrich will also be there. (If all that doesnt sell you, a tour of the Celebrity Apprentice Boardroom is included.) All you have to do is donate to Romneys campaign for a chance to win.

* In his final ad before the May 29 primary, Texas Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst (R) has former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee declaring the candidate the only proven conservative in this Senate race. Meanwhile former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum has endorsed Dewhursts chief rival, former state solicitor general Ted Cruz.

* PAC+, a new outside group, is airing its first ads in Arizona attacking Romney as anti-Latino. The ads are running in English and Spanish in Arizonas three major TV markets: Phoenix, Tucson and Yuma. PAC+ plans to spend $10 million this cycle to help Obama, with a focus on black and Hispanic voters.

* President Obamas campaign manager huddled with Senate Democrats today, walking them th! rough th e planned 2012 ground game. There are tensions between congressional Democrats and the president over how much money will be spent down-ballot, but Jim Messina said that didnt come up in the meeting.


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