Sarah Palin: Contraception Rule Shows Obama 'Snookered' Notre Dame
Sarah Palin gave her two cents Tuesday regarding a religiously-charged piece of the Affordable Care Act's contraception rule. On Jan. 20, the Obama administration announced that it was not exempting religiously-affiliated employers from a decision granting female workers birth control as part of their health coverage. As part of the Affordable Care Act, the new legislation prevents religious groups from denying women access to contraception for anything other than moral reasons. Under that reasoning, institutions like universities and hospitals would not be eligible. That news prompted Palin to recall a Catholic university's decision to have the president serve as its commencement speaker. In a Facebook note titled "How Obama Repaid Notre Dame" , Palin revived her reservations about a religious institution letting a pro-choice president speak. Back in May 2009, during the controversy over Notre Dame's decision to have President Obama as their commencement speaker...